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Do you know what has been the greatest pursuit of the philosophy for centuries? The greatest pursuit of philosophy has been to find unity in diversity. The greatest pursuit of education and the entire discipline across all of history has been looking for unity in diversity. It is still philosopher’s pursuit in desperation, searching for what will unify this diversity. No ANSWER from the philosophers! Even the Pre-Socratic philosophers in their revelation of the four constituents; earth, water, wind and fire have not been able to find answer to the question of diversity. They are still looking for this one thing that pulls this four together. Thus MULTIVERSITY still looks for unity in diversity.

As an avid reader and erudite scholar; a cosmopolitan with versed knowledge in worldview, having listened to a lot of tapes as regards to finding the solution to the perils in our educational system, all searches are to no avail. In my quest for the answer I journeyed into the “divinus bibliotheca” (divine library) and encountered “epignosis.”Behold, I got the solution which is beyond the human perception.

The answer is only in the “Omniscience”: God of all knowledge, subjects and disciplines. He is the unifier! In the Latin word “E Pluribus Unum”—out of diversity one, out of plurality singular. This is indicative of Gods multi-disciplinary nature yet ONE ABSOLUTE. Therefore, “Uni” means unify and Versity” mean VERITAS which is Truth. University then is the centre of disseminating “Absolute Truth”. So far, what the world has been operating as university is multiversity which implies secularism (absence of God). Christian institutions have all the right to run all disciplines; that is, general courses in Arts, Sciences, Humanities and Professional studies because in the essence and order of creation, God embedded all discipline into man.

Think! Must we leave these disciplines to secular, Marxist/Leninist and Cosmic humanist to influence, formulate, develop and implement their godless views in the curriculum formations? WAKE UP! SELAH!!

Omayiwa Solomon Eleojo is the Chancellor/President (CEO) of DOXA Institute Kaduna, Nigeria. He occupies The Chair of Strategy as a Professor of Strategic Vision; he is also a Professor of Theology and Organizational Leadership. For comments: email at or


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The Holy Spirit is vibrant, powerful full of love and desirous to live in all and through all. His advance within the Body of Christ is ever escalating, as our understanding of His operation increases in us a Kingdom manifestation. As we look to learn of the Holy Spirit it becomes increasingly apparent that we are not so much learning new and previously unknown truths but rather discovering things placed within our hearts by God from the foundation.
Like a treasure hid deep in the earth so is the wealth of God placed within the spiritual recesses each of us. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels …Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field… ye are God’ s husbandry, (field for spiritual tillage). The revelation of Jesus in us is not a new happening but the revealing of what He has already placed within us. As the mask of self and the deception of the soul, (the earth), is uncovered and washed away by the cleansing power of His Word, the revelation of the light of Christ within becomes increasingly perceptible and radiates a glowing brilliance.
The pursuit of God is not so much about learning some “new thing”. Rather it is about discovering with newness the hidden seed of Christ within each of us and learning how to water that seed that it might grow to maturity within our fertile hearts revealing, in each of us, our own unique aspect of His Kingdom. We are spiritual beings in a natural world. We are to become the manifestation of His Kingdom. As our will becomes the mirror of His will, we unite the heavenly and earthly realms into one, (Mat 6:10 KJV) Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Notice it does not say on earth but in earth His will, will be done.
As the rule of the Holy Spirit is “allowed”, (He does not operate by force), to enlarge His domain within the Body of Christ the will of God is accomplished in continually advancing stages. The Holy Spirit operates through motion. He is not static but always in motion, (Gen 1:2b KJV) And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Judg 13:25a KJV) And the spirit of the LORD began to move him. (Num 24:2b KJV) and the spirit of God came upon him. (Rom 8:14 KJV) For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. To learn how to dwell in the motion of the Holy Spirit is to experience God in heavenly places.
The Spirit of the Lord moves like the wind. It cannot be confined and is not visible to the natural eye. Like wind however, it does leave a witness of wherever it has been. The Spirit is also like water in that it refreshes, cleanses and takes on the shape of the vessel that holds it. Large vessel large measure of Spirit, small vessel, small measure of Spirit.
(John 16:13 KJV) Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth. As we learn to live in the motion of the Spirit He becomes our instructor in every area of life. (1 Ki 18:12b KJV) the spirit of the LORD shall carry thee whither I know not, (Judg 14:19a KJV) And the spirit of the LORD came upon him. The Holy Spirit comes upon us and carries us, (translates us), into heavenly places and utters things kept secret since the world began.
In our desire for the presence of God we call out and He always answers. He comes upon us to perform mightily in the Spirit. If, however, we do not follow the motion of the Spirit, thereby allowing Him to conform us into His image, then we hold the Spirit in soulish earthen vessels that in reality seek to conform the Spirit into our image. Failure to follow the motion of the Spirit eventually leads to callousness toward and the eventual departing of the Spirit. (1 Sam 16:14a KJV) But the spirit of the LORD departed from Saul; (Judg 16:20c KJV) I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him.
(1 Cor 12:4-6 KJV) Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. The manifestation of the Spirit to the Body comes in the three areas of gifts, ministry and operations. Kingdom protocol, (the principals of functioning in the Kingdom), fall into three related areas; Kingdom language, Kingdom government and Kingdom customs.
The language of Spirit comes via gifting. The nine declarations of that gifting in 1 Cor. 12:8-10 are the nine interrelated ways that the Holy Spirit Manifests Himself. It is through one or a combination of these, that the entire expression of Spirit comes forth. Their use and operation far exceeding what has traditionally been understood in religious and charismatic circles. These gifts manifest as a Kingdom language. Language, in this use, incorporates far more than written and verbal communication.
Kingdom Government comes through administration, which is the function of ministry. Kingdom Government first starts within the heart of the believer as the Lord Jesus is allowed to govern the waywardness within each of us. As this process continues in the Lord’ s pace, our hearts are knit with those of ‘like precious faith’ and joined together as He wills, forming the corporate-man—Jesus Christ on earth. It is through this operation of the Holy Ghost that “a son is given” IS 9:6 and the government and peace shall be upon His shoulder…
Ministry establishes Kingdom government and allows for the proper manifestation of gifting. Holy Spirit gifting plus proper ministry allows for a Spirit controlled operation. It is on one aspect of this operation of the Spirit that this article will focus – the operation of the Spirit through worship. The operation of the Spirit is how the Spirit executes His gifting and ministry to the Body. The operation of the Spirit is the way we function in the Kingdom. This is the way we live and interact in Christ that is the culture unique to the Kingdom.
The term operation, implies a procedure or way of handling – it is how gifting and ministry functions in the Kingdom. There is a mighty operation of gifting and ministry through Kingdom Worship beyond that which many have understood.
The vehicle in which we travel upon water is by means of a vessel that we call a ship. Seas in the Bible are often a type of the thoughts and beliefs of humanity that we must sail over to reach new lands. “A sea of humanity” is one such commonly used expression. In the Bible there are many ships that transport us to new places or dimensions in God. There are many described such as worship, relationships, kingships and the like.
Worship, (word-ship), is a warship that takes us from fellowship to friendship to kinship – the three levels of biblical relationship. Kingdom relationship establishes God’ s kingship and our sonship. Many view worship as expressing individual gratitude, adoration or praise to God.
To be certain it contains these elements but also has a Kingdom dimension that goes far beyond these concepts. There is a dimension of worship that brings what is finished in the heavens to reality here in earth.
There are various depths to relationship. Fellowship is a first dimension of relationship. Fellowship is two fellows in a ship who are together because they walk in the light as He is in the light. Friendship is a second dimension level of relationship. Two friends travel in the same ship not just because of their common experience in Christ but also because common bonds and experiences tie them to each other. Kinship is the highest form of relationship. Kinship are those who are in relationship because of a blood connection.
Those who are kin to each other live as sons and grandsons. Their sonship is connected to a common father. The highest form of relationship with our Father is to be sons of God. The depth of our relationships is measured by the height of our love. (1 John 3:1 KJV) Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God:
Worship allows us to navigate through the dimensions. Rather than just an expression of devotion, worship can become an apparatus, in a generic sense, that incorporates prayer and praise which allows for the manifestation of the heavens in the earth.
Ezekiel’ s anointing is a phrase used to describe the movement of the Spirit in ways similar to the Spirit’ s operation through Ezekiel. It is a term first made familiar to me by Ed Sobieski who has given to many not only invaluable understanding but also powerful witness in this area. Various types of anointing are given, by some, the name of the bible figure that demonstrated a particular operation of the Spirit. A Joseph anointing for example, would be a “Midas Touch” anointing. A person gifted in bringing forth prosperity in whatever set of circumstances in which they may be found and the wisdom to know how to use the prosperity they possess.
The Ezekiel anointing comprises an ability to see in the heavens and understand what it is the Lord is doing in the Spirit, as in Ezekiel chapter one. It also involves a willingness and capacity to demonstrate that spiritual understanding in natural ways. By seeing what is already accomplished in the heavens and demonstrating it in earth we make a connection that fulfills the in earth as it is in heaven principle of the Kingdom. As in Ezekiel chapter four, the Lord will inform the prophet of the iniquity of Judah and Israel and have him act out many things laying on his side. He, in this instance, becomes a demonstration of the will of God in the heavens that shall come to pass in the earth.
The Old and New Testaments are replete with examples of how what is termed the “Ezekiel Anointing”, brings to pass in earth that which is already and forever accomplished in the heavens. Under this anointing we become willing vessels for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Every manifestation under this anointing embodies a demonstration of one or more of the gifts from 1 Corinthians chapter twelve. In its operation, it provides and avenue for the manifestation of the will of God. As our will, bodies and soulish mind are brought under submission, the will and intent of the Holy Spirit becomes manifested in flesh to the end that God might be, above all, and through all, and in you all. This is the spiritual operation embodied in worship.
(2 Cor 2:14 KJV) Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. God manifests himself in various ways. All creation gives voice to the character and nature of God. Speaking the scripture also manifests God as does the operation of the Ezekiel anointing.
(Titus 2:7 KJV) In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity. As with Titus, all things in our lives yielded to the Holy Spirit become pattern for others through which they may see the truth and power and love of God.
(Heb 2:4 KJV) God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will? Signs are witnesses or markings pointing the way to spiritual direction, warning or understanding. Wonders are expressions of the Holy Spirit in the natural realm that cause us to wonder – be amazed and question what meaneth this. The operation of the nine spiritual gifts in sign and wonders is a result of the Ezekiel anointing.
(John 12:32,33) And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. This he said, signifying what death he should die. Even the cross will be – and indeed has been – a sign to saved and lost alike. It was not just a mode of death to Jesus but embodied a pattern of heavenly things that became manifest in earth. Christ’ s death on the cross unlocked in the earth God’ s prophetic plan contained in the tabernacle and priesthood. Every detail of our walk has significance. Our lives and worship are to be a pattern, (a witness or plan that can be followed), of good, (God), works.
(Acts 21:11) And when he was come unto us, he took Paul’s girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, thus saith the Holy Ghost, so shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles. Agabus walked in this kind of anointing. He demonstrated by natural means what the Spirit had witnessed lay ahead for the Apostle Paul. And Paul likewise demonstrated spiritual operation by natural means. (Acts 21:26 KJV) Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them entered into the temple, to signify the accomplishment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them.
Peter likewise understood this principal of the Spirit as he testifies of the Prophets, (1 Pet 1:11 KJV) Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.
(Rom 1:20 KJV) For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
The like-as principle, (spiritual metaphor), demonstrates the biblical truth that everything in the heavens is like or as something on earth. So if we want to comprehend spiritual concepts which are unknown we can gain understanding by things in the natural world that are known.
Things in earth, (the natural realm), are not the same as things in heaven, (the spiritual realm), but they are like their heavenly counterpart. Even God’ s eternal power and Godhead can be understood by observing His natural creation. Everything in heaven is exactly as it is on earth only opposite.
Religion often tries to make Spiritual things natural, as with eschatology. Rather than making the spiritual natural the like-as principle allows us to understand the spiritual by the natural. Using this principle in regard to worship we not only understand the spiritual by being attentive to the natural but we by natural manifestation in worship speak of heavenly things. Not only do we bear witness of the Spirit but by this we actually bring to pass in this dimension of the Spirit on earth.


Presented by: SEIS


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